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Fleurs en poche



Family coaching doesn't intend to replace physician, psychological, or psychiatric care or medical intervention: I am not a therapist, psychologist, or nutritionist. Please be aware that I will not provide therapy, counseling, or diagnostic services.


Results and changes for your family may vary depending on medical conditions,  family systems, and accuracy in following suggested guidelines.


As with any program, there may exist inherent risks that may be relative to the state of health, awareness, care, and skill to which you conduct yourself. You agree that it is your responsibility to inquire about any recommendations with which you are not familiar and provide any information.


One 1.00 h session costs 130$


Yes absolutely! I accompanied a lot of people via Zoom and the sessions went exactly as if we were in the same room. Even for tapping sessions: EFT is practiced on oneself, while following my gestures.



Since family coaching services are subject to the same ethical and deontological rules as all professional therapeutic services, the family coach undertakes to respect the following rules of conduct:

General professional conduct

As a family coach:

1. I will conduct myself in a way that presents a positive image of the coaching profession and will refrain from behaviors or statements that undermine public understanding or acceptance of family coaching as an approach professional.

2. I will not knowingly make public statements that are false or misleading or make false promises in any material relating to Family Coaching.

3. I will respect various coaching approaches. I will treat the works and contributions of others with respect and do not present them as my own and I will respect copyright rules.

4. At no time will I assess the child's development, physical and mental health or problems. I will not make any diagnosis or diagnostic hypothesis and will refer clients to competent and legally authorized resources to carry out assessments in this regard.

5. I will only intervene in my areas of expertise and will refer any person or any situation that exceeds my skills to a specialized worker.

6. I will not claim to be able to cure or treat psychological or neurological problems and disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, attachment disorders, ASD, depression, burnout, etc.

7. In all circumstances, I will seek to recognize personal hurts or values ​​that may influence, conflict with, or interfere with my coaching performance or professional relationships.

When the facts or circumstances require it, I will quickly seek another person to ensure the continuation of the client's follow-up and I will determine the action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate to suspend or terminate my coaching relationship.

8. With precision, I will create, maintain and securely archive a file for each family coaching client containing the progress notes, action plan, professional reports as well as any relevant information related to the work done in family coaching. I will retain and destroy after a minimum period of five years, these documents in a manner that ensures confidentiality and satisfies all applicable laws.

Professional conduct towards clients

9. I will hold myself accountable for determining clear, relevant, and culturally appropriate boundaries that govern any physical contact I may have with my clients.

10. I will not engage in a sexual or romantic relationship with any of my clients. I will avoid, by my words and my conduct, leaving room for any confusion as to the professional nature of the relationship between the client and me.

11. I will build clear agreements with my clients and honor all agreements made in the context of professional coaching relationships. While creating a strong therapeutic bond, I will be able to keep a healthy professional distance.

12. I will ensure that my client understands the nature of family coaching, the framework for confidentiality, financial agreements and other terms of the contract.

13. I will accurately identify my qualifications, my know-how and my experience as a counselor and family coach.

14. I will respect the client's right to end the coaching at any point in the process. I will be alert to signs that the client is no longer benefiting from our coaching relationship.

15. If I believe that the client would be better supported by another family coach, another professional, or another resource, I will encourage the client to make this change. I will suggest that my clients seek the services of other professionals when it appears relevant or necessary.

16. I will take all necessary measures to inform the competent authorities in the event that my client declares an intention to endanger himself or third parties or to commit an illegal act.

17. I will report to youth protection any situation likely to compromise the safety and development of the child.


18. I will respect the confidentiality of what my client says, unless expressly authorized by him or otherwise required by law.

19. At all times, I will refrain from discussing the situation of a client without his authorization, even avoiding naming him.

Conflicts of interest

20. I will not knowingly exploit any aspect of the coach-client relationship for my personal, professional, or financial gain or advantage.

21. I will obtain the agreement of my clients before mentioning their identity or any information enabling them to be identified.

22. I will obtain my client's agreement before quoting him in a document or on my website (if I want to write a testimonial for example or use his situation in a text or book)

23. I will obtain the consent of the beneficiary of the coaching before disclosing any information concerning him to anyone paying for my service.

24. I will take care to avoid any conflict between my interests and those of my clients.

25. For any conflict of interest, actual or potential, I will openly disclose the situation and fully deliberate with my client how to deal with it in any way that best serves him.

As a family coach, I am committed to honoring my ethical obligations towards my clients, my colleagues and the general public. I undertake to respect the code of ethics of the family coaching school to treat people with respect as independent and equal human beings, and to claim these commitments from those I accompany.


©2021 par EFT Corps et âme

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